Thursday, September 17, 2009

What do I expect to gain from HOST 4103 - Integrated E-Marketing: A Strategic Approach?

Today, society is more updated with the techology that is growing in the world: World Wide Web, wireless internet, high speed internet, i-pods, blackberrys, i-phones, cellphones, GPS systems, web messengers, tele-communications and much much more. The world of technology is ever growing, people can contact people from anywhere around the whole wide world with the touch of one button. There are a variety of communication tools that people can use, whether it be talking, texting or video chatting through a phone, communication is inevitable.

The tourism industry is booming and with the help of E-Marketing people will be traveling more each day. I want to focus on learning the tools of accessing 'Integrated E-Marketing' within the Hospital and Tourism industry as it will beneifical to me as a future manager.

I expect to learn and understand:
- how technological changes affect marketing
- the electonic media, program and options to hospitality marketing professions
- the legal considerations to E-marketing
- how to develop integrated online advertising programs

and of course...
...pass the course with a good mark in order to graduate :)

MJ Nataaay! :)

Welcome fellow followers, lovely professors & good looking people

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Hola mi amigos!

Don't be fooled this is NOT, I repeat NOT facebook... so please don't get addicted ;)

First of all, I would like to welcome everyone back to a new school semester. Despite the fact that everyone was working full-time jobs for their co-op internships, I hope summer went well for everyone and that money is being put away in a savings account for our upcoming big class trip to Las Vegas/Montreal next year :)

To be honest, I actually think this blog is quite a fun first assignment and is a good introduction to presenting what this course may intail: Integrated E-Marketing: A Strategic Approach (HOST 4103) and it also lets me show you who I am and what I expect to gain from this course.

Welcome again everyone & enjoy

MJ Nataaaay! :)